Cascade Valley FSC 2020-21 Membership Handbook
Please note the Membership Application Handbook is your resource guide for this year’s information.
You are responsible for knowing the requirements of membership, including the conduct codes, SafeSport and the VOLUNTEER POLICY & PROCEDURES!
Membership renewals and applications are required to be completed online through EntryEeze.
Please select either “Renewing member” or "New Member” to begin the process. Please refer to procedures posted on the club website for detailed instructions.
CVFSC EntryEeze Membership Portal link will be activated on June 1, 2020
There will be a late fee of $25.00 for renewing member applications submitted after June 30, 2020. This allows us two weeks to collect signatures and process your fees so that on July 1, 2020, your membership can be activated.
Delays in applying may affect your ability to participate in USFSA Sanctioned events after July 1, 2020.
ALL New and Renewing Members MUST sign the electronic waivers!
Your membership will not be processed until it is received.
Please list all new & renewing family members in the electronic form where indicated.
The link to complete your signing process is highlighted on the club Entryeeze Portal.
Notes and Explanations 2020-21 Membership Year
1. Introductory Membership vs. New Membership:
2. Proration Policy
3. Club Communication:
4. Waivers, Policies and Procedures
5. Rules & Releases: Below are the waivers and release that all members of CVFSC are required to READ and SIGN. The signatures can be completed through the Electronic Signature link on the front page of the club Entryeeze portal. It is highlighted in yellow. By signing the document, you and your skater agree to compliance with the following policies, procedures and requirements: Waiver Release Of Liability Agreement:
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Agreement to Submit Proof of Domicile for Purposes of US Figure Skating Rule of Sport for qualifying competitions.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Skater Code of Conduct: By signing the Skater Code of Conduct Agreement section, I hereby agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct at all times:
CVFSC Member above age 18: I hereby agree to adhere to the CVFSC Skater Code of Conduct at all times.
Guardian for CVFSC Member under age 18: I acknowledge that I have read through the code of conduct with the CVFSC member who agrees to adhere to the CVFSC Skater Code of Conduct at all time.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Parent Code of Conduct: Cascade Valley FSC is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring that it promotes an environment free of misconduct.
Preamble: The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character” (Arizona Sports Summit Accord).
By signing the Parent Code of Conduct Agreement section below, I hereby agree that:
Guardian: I acknowledge that I have read through the Parent Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to the CVFSC Code at all times.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.
2020-21 Volunteer Requirements
The CVFSC is here for the support all of our skaters and is responsible to uphold the mission of the club. Without member participation, we are unable to sustain the business responsibilities that allow us to serve our skaters.
Therefore, we will continue to require volunteer hours and will reinforce the participation of this policy. Thank you for your understanding and support.
Failure to comply with the required Volunteer Hours will result in fees of $45/hour (maximum fee of up to $270 per membership year) AND potential loss of "Member in Good Standing" status.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the requirement of 6 (six) volunteer hours per family annually and the consequence of not completing required hours
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.
Media Release
There may be times when CVFSC events are videotaped and/or photographed. Videotapes and pictures provide an audio-visual record of CVFSC’s activities and provide important examples for future members. Additionally, CVFSC may wish to use examples of various sorts of media in promotional videos, on the web or in printed materials.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.
You are responsible for knowing the requirements of membership, including the conduct codes, SafeSport and the VOLUNTEER POLICY & PROCEDURES!
Membership renewals and applications are required to be completed online through EntryEeze.
Please select either “Renewing member” or "New Member” to begin the process. Please refer to procedures posted on the club website for detailed instructions.
CVFSC EntryEeze Membership Portal link will be activated on June 1, 2020
There will be a late fee of $25.00 for renewing member applications submitted after June 30, 2020. This allows us two weeks to collect signatures and process your fees so that on July 1, 2020, your membership can be activated.
Delays in applying may affect your ability to participate in USFSA Sanctioned events after July 1, 2020.
ALL New and Renewing Members MUST sign the electronic waivers!
Your membership will not be processed until it is received.
Please list all new & renewing family members in the electronic form where indicated.
The link to complete your signing process is highlighted on the club Entryeeze Portal.
Notes and Explanations 2020-21 Membership Year
1. Introductory Membership vs. New Membership:
- Introductory members are individuals who have never been a full member or individual member of the Cascade Valley FSC or other recognized USFSA Club. They may have been a Basic Skills member through SnoKing Renton or another facility. They receive a special discounted membership rate for their first year only, and will be accorded all the benefits and privileges of full club membership. No person can be an introductory member for more than one year, even if his or her membership lapses. ~ USFSA Governing Council 2010
- New Memberships are individuals that have been full members of another club or individual member of USFSA, and are joining CVFSC for the first time as a renewing USFSA member (including professionals). For this type of skaters, please select "Full Membership" when applying via EntryEeze.
2. Proration Policy
- It is the Club's policy to require FULL membership fees for all joining memberships; there will be NO proration of fees. This assures that the Club is able to offer testing and other services year around. Late fee for ALL FULL Member applications that arrive after June 30, 2020 will be subject to a $25.00 late fee. There are no late fees for Introductory Memberships.
3. Club Communication:
- Cascade Valley FSC uses your contact information ONLY to inform you of club events and announcements. Please expect emails from [email protected], EntryEeze, Volunteer Spot, and Mail Chimp. You may also be contacted by phone prior to events for the purpose of informing you of these events and to ask for assistance. The club will use Volunteer Spot and/or EntryEeze to request volunteer assistance. All volunteer hours will be recorded by the club and tracked on EntryEeze. The Club also uses our website as a reference and to provide information, contacts and forms for events such as testing and dress swap. ( Please remember that this is an ALL VOLUNTEER organization and this information may not always be up to date. We will try our best to make appropriate changes as soon as possible.
- All contacts with minor skaters will also be cc’d to their parents per SafeSport requirements.
4. Waivers, Policies and Procedures
- Please note that these are the current Policies and Procedures that have been adopted by the CVFSC. Many of these are for your athlete’s protection as well as guidelines for appropriate use of social media, skater relationships and expected sportsmanship behaviors. When you sign that you agree, you are also acknowledging that you have READ and are FAMILIAR with the content of these waivers, policies and procedures. There will be copies of these in the front office at the rink and on our club website. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, please join us at our monthly Board of Directors meetings. See website for meeting schedule.
5. Rules & Releases: Below are the waivers and release that all members of CVFSC are required to READ and SIGN. The signatures can be completed through the Electronic Signature link on the front page of the club Entryeeze portal. It is highlighted in yellow. By signing the document, you and your skater agree to compliance with the following policies, procedures and requirements: Waiver Release Of Liability Agreement:
- In consideration of participating in Cascade Valley Figure Skating Club activities, I represent that I understand the nature of figure skating activities and that I am qualified, in good health and in proper physical condition to participate in such “activity”.
- I acknowledge that if I believe event conditions are unsafe, I will immediately discontinue participation in the “activity”. I fully understand that this “activity” involves risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the “activity”, the conditions in which the “activity” takes place, or the negligence of the “releasees” named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I incur as a result of my participation in the “activity”.
- I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue the Cascade Valley Figure Skating Club, United States Figure Skating, it’s directors, officers, administrators, sponsors, volunteers, agents, employees, staff, instructors, trainers, other participants and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the “activity” takes place (each considered one of the “Releasees” herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the “releasees” or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk, I, or anyone on my behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.
- The Cascade Valley Figure Skating Club has the right, but not the obligation, to provide rules, regulations and/or ice monitors for Club Ice. We hereby acknowledge that the Cascade Valley Figure Skating Club shall not be responsible for the supervision of the members at Club Ice.
- I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it to be complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid, the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
- I acknowledge that I accept and release the Waiver/Release of Liability Agreement above.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Agreement to Submit Proof of Domicile for Purposes of US Figure Skating Rule of Sport for qualifying competitions.
- CVFSC is responsible for verifying that its membership is maintained in accordance to US Figure Skating Rules. Rules 2410, 2411, and 2412 (Page 139 of the 2017 Rule Book or any updates that are published after July 1, 2018) concerns the residence and domicile of competitive skaters of particular 4 levels. The Board has determined the best way to meet our responsibility is to have members agree to produce the required documentation when requested by the Board. The Board will make a request for proof of domicile at its discretion. Members who have concerns that the rule is not being followed should submit a request to the Board to consider requiring a member to provide proof of domicile in accordance with Rules 2410, 2411 and 2412. Failure to produce documents, or other proof, when requested by the Board is grounds for dismissal from the Club.
- By signing this notice you agree to abide by this standard.
- I acknowledge I accept the Rules of Sport 2410, 2411 and 2412 included in the US Figure Skating Rule Book and aware that this information can be found in the USFSA Rulebook online.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
- U.S. Figure Skating strives to provide a safe environment for its members that are free of abuse and harassment. The association will not tolerate or condone any form of harassment or abuse of any of its members including athletes, coaches, officials, directors, employees, parents, volunteers or any other persons while they are participating in or preparing for a figure skating activity or event conducted under the auspices of U.S. Figure Skating. All forms of abuse and harassment are unacceptable and in direct conflict with U.S. Figure Skating rules.
- The U.S. Figure Skating SafeSport Program addresses the following types of abuse, harassment and misconduct:
- Sexual abuse and misconduct
- Physical abuse and misconduct
- Emotional abuse and misconduct
- Bullying, threats and harassment
- Hazing
- Willfully tolerating misconduct
- To find CVFSC SafeSport Policies:
- For USFSA SafeSport Information:
- SafeSport Parent Training** (online):
- As of May 2018, USFSA is requiring background checks for ALL people that have contact with our skating athletes, including coaches, board members, and parent/adult volunteers. The CVFSC is required to adhere to this policy, and to remain compliant under USFSA, we will require background checks for ALL parents and skaters over the age of 18.
- Your membership may be considered “Not in Good Standing” if you have not completed a background check upon request prior to an event. Membership will be considered “In Good Standing” when CVFSC receives confirmation of your background check. We appreciate your compliance with this new USFSA Rule and policy.
- CVFSC Member above age 18: I acknowledge that I am familiar with the SafeSport information on our club and USFSA’s web pages. I also acknowledge, accept and will abide by the Cascade Valley FSC’s Athlete Protection, Locker Room, Social Media and Travel Policies.
- Guardian for CVFSC Member under age 18: I acknowledge that my minor CVFSC member and I are familiar with the SafeSport information on our club and USFSA’s web pages. I also acknowledge, accept and we will abide by the Cascade Valley FSC’s Athlete Protection, Locker Room, Social Media and Travel Policies.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Skater Code of Conduct: By signing the Skater Code of Conduct Agreement section, I hereby agree to adhere to this Code of Conduct at all times:
- Cascade Valley FSC is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring that it promotes an environment free of misconduct.
- This Skater Code of Conduct has been established to ensure the safety of all members using our ice to ensure quality practice time for all home club, associate, non-members and guests who purchase ice from the club and who participate in all club-related activities.
- All skaters, regardless of whether they hold home club, associate, non-member or guest status must follow and uphold the tenets in this Skater Code of Conduct regarding behavior on and off the ice.
- All club members are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship and be courteous toward their fellow skaters, coaches, parents of skaters, U.S. Figure Skating officials and guests.
- Our club is committed to promoting a positive and friendly environment for all skaters. Remember ‘The Golden Rule’ —treat other people like you want to be treated—with respect.
- Ice Etiquette and Safety:
- While in lesson or practice, it is the skater's responsibility to always be conscientious and aware of other skaters around them.
- Skaters must skate with the flow of other skaters and familiarize themselves with the most commonly used areas for jumps and spins.
- The only time a skater has the SOLE right of way is when they are skating their program to music. When you hear another member's music, please extend that person the courtesy and move out of their path momentarily. This only takes a moment and you will enjoy the same courtesy while you are performing your program.
- Advanced skaters are expected to exhibit patience toward beginner members of the club. Remember, you were an inexperienced skater once, and it takes time for our future generation to advance to the point where they are completely comfortable skating with all levels of skaters.
- Unsafe or Discourteous Behavior:
- Unsafe or discourteous behavior of any kind will not be tolerated.
CVFSC Member above age 18: I hereby agree to adhere to the CVFSC Skater Code of Conduct at all times.
Guardian for CVFSC Member under age 18: I acknowledge that I have read through the code of conduct with the CVFSC member who agrees to adhere to the CVFSC Skater Code of Conduct at all time.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian for all family members.
Parent Code of Conduct: Cascade Valley FSC is committed to creating a safe and positive environment for members’ physical, emotional and social development and ensuring that it promotes an environment free of misconduct.
Preamble: The essential elements of character building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, trustworthiness and good citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character” (Arizona Sports Summit Accord).
By signing the Parent Code of Conduct Agreement section below, I hereby agree that:
- I will encourage good sportsmanship by my actions, demonstrating positive support for all skaters, coaches, and officials at every practice, competition and test session.
- I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child and others ahead of my desire to win.
- I will encourage my child to skate in a safe and healthy environment by maintaining a respectful and courteous attitude to others.
- I will promptly inform my child’s coach of any physical/mental disability or challenge affecting my child that may affect the safety of my child or others.
- I will teach my child that doing his/her best is more important than winning.
- I will do my best not to ridicule, bully, blame, or yell at my child or other skaters, coaches, officials or volunteers in response to a poor performance or for any other reason.
- I will do my best to make skating fun at all times and will remember that my child participates in sports for his/her own enjoyment and satisfaction.
- I will teach my child to treat other skaters, coaches, fans, volunteers, officials, and rink staff with respect, regardless of race, creed, color, sexual orientation or ability. I will also take action and report any acts of bullying, harassment or abuse to the appropriate authorities.
- I will applaud any effort in both victory and defeat emphasizing positive accomplishments and learning from mistakes.
- I will teach my child to resolve conflicts calmly and peacefully without resorting to hostility or violence.
- I will be a positive role model for my child and others.
- I will demand a figure skating environment for my child that is free of drug or alcohol abuse and agree that I will not use or provide to a third-party any illegal drug prohibited by applicable federal, state, or municipal law.
- I will not assist or condone any athlete’s use of a banned substance as described by the International Olympic Committee, International Skating Union, United States Olympic Committee, or U.S. Figure Skating, or, in case of athletes, to use such drugs or refuse to submit to properly conducted drug tests administered by one of these organizations.
- I will expect my child’s coach to be in compliance with all requirements of U.S. Figure Skating and the Professional Skaters Association, to continue their education and training through programs offered by U.S. Figure Skating, the Professional Skaters Association and other accredited organizations.
- I will respect my child’s coach and refrain from “side line” coaching my child or other skaters.
- I agree to educate myself regarding the proper procedures to follow when establishing or terminating a coaching relationship.
- I will respect the decisions of officials, their authority and decisions during competitions and test sessions and teach my child to do the same.
- I will show appreciation and recognize the importance of volunteers and club officials. I will fulfill my responsibility to help my club with membership, special projects, competitions and test sessions.
- I will become familiar with the rules of the U.S. Figure Skating and teach my child accordingly.
- I will support and respect all skaters and their right to participate. I hereby agree to adhere to the CVFSC Parent Code of Conduct at all times.
Guardian: I acknowledge that I have read through the Parent Code of Conduct and agree to adhere to the CVFSC Code at all times.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.
2020-21 Volunteer Requirements
The CVFSC is here for the support all of our skaters and is responsible to uphold the mission of the club. Without member participation, we are unable to sustain the business responsibilities that allow us to serve our skaters.
Therefore, we will continue to require volunteer hours and will reinforce the participation of this policy. Thank you for your understanding and support.
- There is a MINIMUM of Six hours of required volunteer time per family/household, per year.
- You may choose two of the following to fulfill your obligation:
- Monetary Donation: $45/hr (limited available spots)
- Time: Serving as Runner, Ice Monitor, Awards Assistant, Registration, Music Runner, Set-up and Clean-up, etc. Minimum of 60 minutes.
- Committee Chair: Volunteer Coordinator, Hospitality, Awards, Judges, Facilities, Goody Bags, etc. These require excellent organizational, networking and people skills. Varying time commitment from 10 to 25 hours over the course of 2 to 7 months.
- Local Organizing Committee: Requires excellent communication, organizational and networking skills. Begins with monthly meetings in November. Overall time commitment is approximately 20-40 hours over 6 months.
- One (1) hour minimum required for Test Sessions. It is your responsibility to volunteer at sessions at which your skater is testing. If you do not have a skater testing during the year, it is your responsibility to contact the president of the club to arrange for other volunteer hours. You may sign up for your preferred time when checking test session schedule, or the test chair will assign you a time 1 day prior to the event. Remember, you will not be able to volunteer unless you are SAFESPORT certified.
- Two (2) Hours are required for SAFESPORT TRAINING (For those over 18 years of age)
- Completing the online SafeSport Parent Training (log into your USFSA account and click on the link for "ZERO TOLERANCE / SafeSport) and send a copy of completion certificate to the club Board of Directors ([email protected])
- Note: Those that have taken the course will have a refresher course that will be worth One (1) hour.
- Board of Directors and Subcommittee Chairs: The BOD makes decisions regarding governances and events. It meets monthly for 1.5 hours, 10-11 months of the year (generally takes July off). BOD makes sure the club is compliant with USFSA policies and procedures, communicates about events to the membership and oversees subcommittees.
- The BOD consists of: President, President Elect, Treasurer, Secretary, four Members-at-Large, Junior Board Rep(s), Coach Representative and SnoKing Renton Staff Representative (Skating Director).
- The Subcommittees includes, but not limited to: Test Co-Chairs (2), Membership, SafeSport, LOC (Local Organizing Committee), and various event chairs.
- Volunteer hours can also be acquired by:
- Attending the monthly Board of Director. Please check the club website and/or electronic newsletters for specific dates and meeting agendas.
- Assist in planning and hosting the annual Dress Swap. Varying assistance needed from planning to running event. Time commitment of 1 -6 hour(s) over 2-3 months.
- Assist in planning and hosting club ice and exhibition events. There are multiple events happening throughout the year.
- Assist in planning and hosting our Annual Banquet: Planned by our Junior Board with oversight from the Executive Directors. This event usually occurs in the Fall after Regionals in October/November.
- Assist at the annual Holiday/Inspirations on Ice Show: Fundraising and assistance with traffic flow.
- Annual Membership Meeting: Occurs in May. Assistance needed to plan and run event, hospitality and club education.
Failure to comply with the required Volunteer Hours will result in fees of $45/hour (maximum fee of up to $270 per membership year) AND potential loss of "Member in Good Standing" status.
I acknowledge that I have read and understand the requirement of 6 (six) volunteer hours per family annually and the consequence of not completing required hours
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.
Media Release
There may be times when CVFSC events are videotaped and/or photographed. Videotapes and pictures provide an audio-visual record of CVFSC’s activities and provide important examples for future members. Additionally, CVFSC may wish to use examples of various sorts of media in promotional videos, on the web or in printed materials.
- CVFSC carefully adheres to all federal, state and local laws that govern the use of digital media featuring minors, both to ensure our compliance and to protect your family’s rights, privacy, and safety.
- Before publishing any pictures or video, we will ask for your permission to do so. Video/Media Permission:
- By signing the agreement electronic document, I am stating that YES, I DO give my permission and release to permit my child to appear in any and all media (video, print, audio, etc.) and in advertising by CVFSC.
- AND, YES, I DO give my permission for photos of my child to be posted on the Internet through CVFSC’s web pages. These photos will be put on web pages, Facebook, Instagram, etc. designed to show club and member activities. If a member’s name is used, we will post first names only.
- I understand that I shall not receive compensation, now or at any later date, for use of the images and video recorded of my child.
- PLEASE notify the CVFSC president and secretary by email or letter if you DO NOT give my permission and release to permit my child to appear in any and all media (video, print, audio, etc.) and in advertising by CVFSC. In your notice please state:
- I DO NOT give my permission for photos or videos of my child to be posted on the Internet through CVFSC’s web pages, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media.
Electronic Signature Required by guardian.